List of slick synonyms and slick related words.
Byzantine, Ciceronian, Daedalian, Demosthenian, Demosthenic, Machiavellian, Machiavellic, Tullian, acute, adept, adipose, adroit, anal, anoint, apt, arch, artful, artfully, articulate, artistic, astute, astutely, authoritative, beeswax, blubbery, bravura, brilliant, buff, buffed, burnish, burnished, buttery, butyraceous, cagey, cagily, calculating, cannily, canny, chrismal, chrismatory, clean, clever, cleverly, coordinated, crack, crackerjack, crafty, creative, cunning, cunningly, cute, daedal, daub, deceitful, deck out, deep, deep-laid, deft, designing, devious, dexterous, dextrous, dinky, diplomatic, doll up, dress, dress up, eloquent, embrocate, excellent, expert, facund, fancy, fat, fatty, felicitous, feline, finish, finished, fix up, foxily, foxy, furbish, furbished, glace, glance, glassy, glaze, glazed, gleaming, glib, glide, glissade, gloss, glossy, glycerolate, good, goodish, graceful, grease, grease the wheels, greased, greasy, guileful, guilefully, gussy up, handy, hep, imaginative, ingenious, insidious, insidiously, inventive, knowing, knowingly, lacquered, lard, lardaceous, lardy, lubric, lubricate, lubricated, lubricious, luster, magisterial, masterful, masterly, meretricious, mucoid, neat, nimble-witted, no mean, oil, oiled, oily, oleaginous, oleic, on the sly, pawky, perfect, plausible, polish, polished, politic, pomade, professional, proficient, quick, quick-witted, quite some, ready, refine, resourceful, rich, round, rub, rubbed, salve, satiny, scheming, scour, sebaceous, serpentine, shallow, sharp, sharp-witted, shellacked, shiftily, shifty, shine, shining, shiny, shipshape, shrewd, shrewdly, silken, silky, silver, silver-tongued, skillful, sleek, slick down, slick on, sliddery, slip, slipper, slippery, slippy, slither, slithery, sly, slyly, smarmy, smart, smarten up, smear, smooth, smooth the way, smooth-spoken, smooth-tongued, smoothly, smug, snaky, sneaky, snug, soap the ways, soaped, soapy, some, sophistical, specious, spellbinding, spiff, spruce, spruce up, statesmanlike, stealthy, strategic, stylish, suave, subtile, subtilely, subtle, subtlely, suety, superficial, supple, sycophantic, tactful, tactical, tallowy, the compleat, the complete, tidy, tight, trickily, trickish, tricksy, tricky, trig, trim, unctuous, unguent, unguentary, unguentous, urbane, varnish, varnished, velvety, virtuoso, vulpine, warily, wary, wax, well-cared-for, well-done, well-groomed, well-spoken, wilily, wily, workmanlike