List of slops synonyms and slops related words.
barley, bilge, bilgewater, bird seed, bones, bran, carrion, cat food, chaff, chicken feed, chop, corn, culm, deadwood, dishwater, ditchwater, dog food, draff, dregs, dust, eatage, ensilage, feed, filings, fodder, forage, garbage, gash, grain, hay, hogwash, husks, leavings, lees, mash, meal, oats, offal, offscourings, old clothes, orts, parings, pasturage, pasture, pet food, potsherds, provender, rags, raspings, refuse, riffraff, scourings, scrap iron, scraps, scratch, scratch feed, scum, scurf, sewage, sewerage, shards, shavings, silage, slack, slag, slop, slough, straw, stubble, sweepings, swill, tares, tatters, wastage, waste, waste matter, wastepaper, weeds, wheat