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slowness synonyms and slowness related words

Synonyms -> slowness synonyms

List of slowness synonyms and slowness related words.

Fabian policy, Micawberism, acedia, afterthought, amble, antipathy, apathy, aridity, asininity, averseness, aversion, backwardness, barrenness, bind, block, blockage, blockishness, bloodlessness, boobishness, boorishness, boredom, bovinity, bureaucratic delay, characterlessness, cloddishness, colorlessness, crassness, crudeness, cursoriness, deadness, delay, delayage, delayed reaction, deliberateness, deliberation, denseness, density, detention, dilatoriness, dim-wittedness, dimness, disagreement, disinclination, dismalness, disobedience, disrelish, dissent, distaste, do-nothingness, dolce far niente, doltishness, double take, drag, dragginess, dragging, dreariness, droop, drowsiness, dryness, dull-wittedness, dullardism, dullness, dumbness, duncery, dustiness, effeteness, emptiness, enervation, ennui, ergophobia, etiolation, faineancy, faineantise, fatigue, flatness, flounce, foot-dragging, fractiousness, gait, gallop, grossness, grudging consent, grudgingness, halt, hang-up, hastelessness, heaviness, hebetude, hesitation, hindrance, hitch, hobble, hoboism, hold-off, holdup, hollowness, inactivity, inanimation, inanity, indifference, indisposedness, indisposition, indocility, indolence, inertia, inexcitability, inexertion, infrequence, infrequency, insipidity, insipidness, interim, intractableness, jadedness, jam, jejunity, jog, lack of enthusiasm, lack of zeal, lackadaisicalness, lag, laggardness, lagging, languidness, languishment, languor, languorousness, lassitude, laxness, laziness, leadenness, leisureliness, lenitude, lentor, lethargy, lifelessness, limp, listlessness, lock step, logjam, lotus-eating, loutishness, lowness of spirit, lumpishness, lurch, mince, mincing steps, moratorium, mugwump, mutinousness, ninnyism, nolition, oafdom, oafishness, obstinacy, obstruction, obtuseness, occasionalness, opacity, opposition, oscitancy, pace, paddle, paleness, pallor, paperasserie, passivity, pause, perfunctoriness, phlegm, piaffer, pointlessness, pokiness, ponderousness, prance, procrastination, rack, rareness, rarity, recalcitrance, recalcitrancy, red tape, red-tapeism, red-tapery, refractoriness, refusal, relaxedness, reluctance, remissness, renitence, renitency, reprieve, repugnance, resistance, respite, retardance, retardation, roll, satedness, saunter, scarceness, scarcity, scuttle, seldomness, shamble, shiftlessness, shuffle, sidle, simpletonianism, single-foot, slackness, sleepiness, slink, slither, sloth, slothfulness, slouch, slow-up, slowdown, sluggishness, solemnity, somnolence, sottishness, sparsity, spiritlessness, spring fever, stagger, stalk, stall, stay, stay of execution, step, sterility, stiffness, stodginess, stolidity, stop, stoppage, stride, stroll, strolling gait, strut, stubbornness, stuffiness, stupefaction, stupidity, stupor, sulk, sulkiness, sulks, sullenness, superficiality, supineness, suspension, swagger, swing, tastelessness, tediousness, temporization, thick-headedness, thick-wittedness, tie-up, time lag, toddle, torpidity, torpidness, torpitude, torpor, totter, tread, trot, uncommonness, unenthusiasm, unfrequentness, unhastiness, unhurriedness, uninterestingness, uniqueness, unliveliness, unteachability, unusualness, unwillingness, vagrancy, vapidity, vapidness, velocity, waddle, wait, walk, weariness, woodenness, world-weariness, wrongheadedness, yokelism