List of slug synonyms and slug related words.
Chilopoda, Chordata, Echiuroidea, Ectoprocta, Entoprocta, Intertype, Linotype, Monoplacophora, Monotype, Nemertinea, Phoronidea, baggage check, ball, bang, bar shot, bash, bat, beating, belt, biff, bird shot, blast, blow, bonk, buckshot, bullet, bum, cannon shot, cannonball, case shot, check, chop, clap, clip, clobber, clock watcher, clout, clump, cold-type typesetting, coldcock, composing, composing stick, composition, computerized typesetting, counter, coupon, crack, crossbar shot, cut, dallier, dash, dawdle, dawdler, deal, deal a blow, deck, diddler, dig, dillydallier, dint, do-nothing, dolittle, doodler, dose, dram, drone, drop, drub, drubbing, drumming, duck shot, dumdum bullet, dummy, em, em quad, en, en quad, expanding bullet, faineant, fetch, fetch a blow, five-em space, foot-dragger, four-em space, furniture, fusillade, galley chase, gentleman of leisure, goldbrick, goldbricker, goof-off, grape, grapeshot, hair space, hat check, hit, hit a clip, hot-metal typesetting, idler, imposition, jab, jolt, justification, justification space, justifying space, knock, knock cold, knock down, knock out, laggard, langrel shot, layout, lazybones, let have it, lick, lie-abed, line of type, lingerer, loafer, loiterer, loller, lotus-eater, lounger, lubber, manstopping bullet, mope, moper, nip, paste, patent space, pellet, pelt, photocomposition, photosetting, phototypesetter, phototypesetting machine, plodder, plunk, poke, portion, potterer, pound, procrastinator, punch, putterer, quad, quadrat, quoin, rap, rifle ball, round shot, scrip, setting, shell, shot, shrapnel, slacker, slam, sleepyhead, slog, slouch, sloucher, sloven, slow goer, slow-foot, slowbelly, slowpoke, slugabed, sluggard, smack, smash, smite, snail, snap, snifter, snort, soak, sock, space, spaceband, split shot, stick-in-the-mud, strike, strike at, stroke, swat, swing, swipe, tag, tattoo, thick space, thin space, thump, thwack, ticket, time killer, time waster, token, tortoise, tot, trifler, typesetting, typesetting machine, waiter on Providence, wallop, whack, wham, whop, yerk