List of small synonyms and small related words.
Lenten, Lilliputian, Spartan, abject, abominable, abstemious, airy, arrant, ascetic, atrocious, attenuate, attenuated, austere, authoritarian, baby, back-burner, bantam, base, beggarly, bigot, bigoted, borne, boyish, cheap, cheesy, close, closed, commonplace, constricted, contemptible, cramped, creedbound, crummy, cursory, deaf, deaf to reason, debased, deficient, degraded, delicate, depraved, depthless, despicable, diaphanous, diluted, diminished, diminutive, dinky, dirty, disgusting, dispensable, dwarfed, dwarfish, elfin, ethereal, everyday, execrable, exiguous, fanatical, few, fine, fine-drawn, finespun, flagrant, flat, flimsy, footling, foul, frail, frugal, fulsome, gauzy, girlish, gossamer, gracile, grave, gross, grudging, half-pint, heinous, hidebound, homely, humble, humble-looking, humble-visaged, humblest, illiberal, immaterial, immature, imperfect, impoverished, in a nutshell, in miniature, in the small, inadequate, inappreciable, incompetent, inconsequential, inconsiderable, inessential, inferior, inglorious, innocuous, insignificant, insubstantial, insufficient, insular, irrelevant, jejune, knee-high, lacy, lean, least, lesser, light, limited, little, little-minded, low, low-down, lowest, lowliest, lowly, lumpen, maladroit, mangy, matter-of-fact, meager, mean, mean-minded, mean-spirited, measly, mediocre, midget, mingy, mini, miniature, minor, minuscule, minute, miserable, miserly, misty, modest, monkey, monstrous, mundane, narrow, narrow-hearted, narrow-minded, narrow-souled, narrow-spirited, nearsighted, nefarious, negligible, niggardly, no great shakes, nonessential, not comparable, not in it, not vital, nugatory, obnoxious, odious, one-horse, out of it, paltry, papery, parochial, parsimonious, peewee, petit, petite, petty, picayune, picayunish, piddling, pindling, pint-sized, plain, pocket-sized, poky, poor, provincial, puny, purblind, rank, rare, rarefied, reduced, reptilian, scabby, scant, scanty, scrawny, scrimp, scrimpy, scrubby, scruffy, scummy, scurvy, secondary, selfish, shabby, shallow, shoddy, short, shortsighted, simple, skimp, skimpy, skin-deep, slender, slenderish, slight, slight-made, slightly, slim, slimmish, slinky, small-minded, small-scale, smallish, smally, spare, sparing, squalid, starvation, stingy, stinted, stinting, straitened, straitlaced, stuffy, stunted, subsistence, subtle, superficial, svelte, sylphlike, teachable, technical, teeny, tenuous, thin, thin-bodied, thin-set, thin-spun, thinnish, threadlike, tight, tight-fisted, tiny, trifling, trivial, two-by-four, two-dimensional, uncatholic, uncharitable, unchivalrous, undersized, undistinguished, unessential, ungenerous, unimaginative, unimportant, unimpressive, uninspired, unliberal, unmentionable, unnoteworthy, unnourishing, unnutritious, unoriginal, unpretentious, unprofound, unsatisfactory, unskillful, vague, vile, wasp-waisted, watered, watered-down, watery, weak, wee, willowy, wiredrawn, wispy, wretched, young