List of smart ass synonyms and smart ass related words.
Gothamite, bantering, biggety, bluff, boldface, booing, brash, brazenface, catcalling, chaffing, cheeky, chutzpadik, chutzpanik, cocky, contemptuous, crusty, derisive, derisory, disrespectful, facy, fleering, flip, flippant, fooling, fresh, gally, gratuitous, grinning, hissing, hooting, hussy, impertinent, impudent, jeering, joshing, kidding, leering, malapert, minx, mocking, nervy, panning, pert, pup, puppy, quizzical, ragging, railing, rallying, razzing, ridiculing, roasting, rude, sassy, saucebox, saucy, scoffing, smart, smart aleck, smart-alecky, smart-ass, smarty, smarty-pants, smirking, sneering, snickering, sniggering, snorting, swaggerer, taunting, teasing, twitting, uncalled-for, upstart, whippersnapper, wise fool, wise guy, wise-ass, wiseacre, wisehead, wiseling, wisenheimer, witling