List of smart synonyms and smart related words.
Attic, ache, active, acute, adept, adroit, affect, affliction, agile, agonize, ail, alacritous, alert, alive, all the rage, all the thing, anal, anguish, animated, apt, astute, attentive, au fait, awake, aware, bantering, be resentful, biggety, bite, biting, blanch, blench, bluff, bold, booing, brainy, brash, braw, breezy, bright, brilliant, brisk, burn, burning, burning pain, canny, capable, catcalling, chaffing, cheeky, chic, chutzpadik, classy, clever, clothes-conscious, cocky, come home to, contemptuous, cosmopolitan, crusty, current, dapper, dashing, derisive, derisory, dexterous, dinky, discerning, dispatchful, disrespectful, dressed to advantage, dressed to kill, droll, effective, elegant, energetic, erudite, exclusive, expeditious, exquisite, facetious, facy, fashionable, feel hurt, feel pain, feel resentment, feel sore, feel the pangs, fire, fleering, flip, flippant, fooling, fresh, funny, gally, genteel, gifted, go deep, go through one, good, gratuitous, grimace, grinning, harm, have a misery, hep, hip, hissing, hooting, humorous, humorsome, hurt, impertinent, impudent, in fashion, in style, in vogue, ingenious, injury, intelligent, jaunty, jeering, jesting, jocose, jocular, joking, joky, joshing, keen, keen-witted, kidding, knowing, knowledgeable, learned, leering, lively, malapert, melt, melt the heart, mocking, mod, modern, modish, mordant, move, natty, neat, nervy, new, newfashioned, nifty, nimble, nimble-witted, no dumbbell, nobby, not born yesterday, nurse resentment, on the, on the alert, on the ball, on the job, pain, pang, panning, penetrate, perceptive, percipient, perky, perspicacious, pert, pierce, pinch, poignant, pointed, popular, posh, pound, prevalent, prick, prickle, prompt, pungent, qui vive, quick, quick-thinking, quick-witted, quizzical, ragging, railing, rallying, rapier-like, razzing, ready, recherche, resent, respectable, ridiculing, right, ritzy, roasting, rude, salt, salty, sassy, saucy, savvy, scintillating, scoffing, severe, sharp, sharp-witted, shipshape, shoot, shrewd, shrink, sizable, sleek, sleepless, slick, smart-alecky, smart-ass, smarting, smirking, smug, snappy, snazzy, sneering, snickering, sniggering, snorting, snug, soften, soigne, soignee, sophisticated, sparkling, speedy, spiffy, spirited, sprightly, spruce, spry, stab, steel-trap, stiff, sting, stinging, stir, streetwise, style-conscious, stylish, suffer, suffering, swank, swanky, swell, swift, swish, talented, taunting, teasing, thrill, throb, tidy, tight, tingle, tingling, touch, touch a chord, trenchant, trendy, tricksy, trig, trim, twinge, twitch, twitting, unblinking, uncalled-for, unnodding, unsleeping, unwinking, up-to-date, up-to-datish, up-to-the-minute, urtication, vigorous, wakeful, well-cared-for, well-dressed, well-educated, well-groomed, well-read, well-versed, whimsical, wide-awake, wince, wise-ass, with-it, witty, writhe