List of smile synonyms and smile related words.
accost, address, be in heaven, be pleased, beam, bob, bow, bright smile, broad grin, caper, caracole, chirp, chirrup, crack a smile, curtsy, dance, delight, die with delight, ear-to-ear grin, embrace, feel happy, frolic, gambol, gleaming smile, glow, glowing smile, go into raptures, greeting, grin, grinning, hail, hand-clasp, handshake, hello, how-do-you-do, hug, idiotic grin, joy, kiss, laugh, lilt, nod, purr, radiate cheer, romp, salutation, salute, sardonic grin, simper, sing, skip, smile brightly, smile of recognition, smiling, smirk, sparkle, stupid grin, take great satisfaction, toothful grin, tread on air, wave, whistle