List of smoky synonyms and smoky related words.
Quaker-colored, acier, aerial, aerodynamic, aerostatic, aery, airy, ashen, ashy, besmirched, blackened, blotchy, canescent, cinereous, cinerous, dapple, dapple-gray, dappled, dappled-gray, darkened, dingy, dirty, discolored, dismal, dove-colored, dove-gray, dreary, dull, dusty, ethereal, foxed, foxy, fuliginous, fuming, fumy, gaseous, gasified, gasiform, gaslike, gassy, glaucescent, glaucous, gray, gray-black, gray-brown, gray-colored, gray-drab, gray-green, gray-spotted, gray-toned, gray-white, grayed, grayish, grimy, griseous, grizzle, grizzled, grizzly, grubby, grungy, inky, iron-gray, lead-gray, leaden, livid, mephitic, messy, miasmal, miasmatic, miasmic, miry, mouse-colored, mouse-gray, mousy, muddy, murky, oxyacetylene, oxygenous, ozonic, pearl, pearl-gray, pearly, pneumatic, reeking, reeky, sad, scruffy, silver, silver-gray, silvered, silvery, slate-colored, slaty, slovenly, smirched, smirchy, smoke-gray, smoking, smudgy, smutchy, smutty, snuffy, sober, soiled, somber, sooty, stained, steaming, steamy, steel-gray, steely, stigmatic, stigmatiferous, stigmatized, stone-colored, tainted, tarnished, taupe, untidy, vaporing, vaporish, vaporlike, vaporous, vapory