List of snag synonyms and snag related words.
baby tooth, bag, bar, bicuspid, blemish, block, blockade, bottleneck, brake, bucktooth, bug, canine, catch, clog, cog, comb, complication, coral heads, cordon, crack, crag, crimp, crown, crux, curb, curtain, cuspid, cutter, deciduous tooth, defect, defection, deficiency, dent, denticle, denticulation, dentil, dentition, determent, deterrent, difficulty, dogtooth, drag, drawback, enmesh, ensnare, entangle, entrap, eyetooth, failing, failure, fang, fault, faute, flaw, foible, fore tooth, foul, frailty, gagtooth, gang tooth, gold tooth, grinder, hamper, hang-up, harpoon, harrow, hazard, hindrance, hitch, hold-up, hole, hook, hurdle, impediment, imperfection, inadequacy, incisor, infirmity, ironbound coast, jag, joker, kink, land, lasso, ledges, lee shore, little problem, mesh, milk tooth, molar, nail, net, noose, objection, obstacle, obstruction, obstructive, one small difficulty, peak, pecten, peg, permanent tooth, pinch, pitfall, pivot tooth, premolar, problem, projection, quicksands, rake, ratchet, rift, rip, rockbound coast, rocks, rope, rub, sack, sandbank, sandbar, sands, sawtooth, scrivello, shallows, shoals, shortcoming, snaggle, snaggletooth, snare, sniggle, something missing, spear, spire, sprocket, spur, steeple, stricture, stumbling block, stumbling stone, taint, take, tangle, tangle up with, tear, tooth, trap, traverse, tush, tusk, undercurrent, undertow, vulnerable place, weak link, weak point, weakness, wisdom tooth