List of snaky synonyms and snaky related words.
Machiavellian, Machiavellic, aberrant, aberrative, acute, ambagious, amphibian, anfractuous, anguiform, anguine, arch, artful, astute, batrachian, cagey, canny, circuitous, circumlocutory, clever, colubriform, convolutional, crafty, crawling, creeping, crocodilian, cunning, cute, deceitful, deep, deep-laid, departing, designing, desultory, deviant, deviating, deviative, deviatory, devious, digressive, diplomatic, discursive, eellike, errant, erratic, excursive, feline, flexuose, flexuous, foxy, froggy, guileful, indirect, ingenious, insidious, inventive, involute, involuted, involutional, knowing, labyrinthine, lizardlike, lumbriciform, mazy, meandering, meandrous, ophidian, out-of-the-way, pawky, planetary, politic, rambling, ready, repent, reptant, reptile, reptilelike, reptilian, reptiliform, reptiloid, resourceful, rivose, rivulose, roundabout, roving, ruffled, saurian, scheming, serpentiform, serpentile, serpentine, serpentlike, serpentoid, sharp, shifting, shifty, shrewd, sinuate, sinuose, sinuous, slick, slippery, slithering, sly, smooth, snake-shaped, snakelike, sneaky, sophistical, stealthy, strategic, stray, subtile, subtle, supple, swerving, tactical, toadish, torsional, tortile, tortuous, trickish, tricksy, tricky, turning, twisting, twisty, undirected, vagrant, veering, vermiform, viperiform, viperish, viperlike, viperoid, viperous, vipery, vulpine, wandering, wary, whorled, wily, winding, wormlike, wreathlike, wreathy, zigzag