List of snoop synonyms and snoop related words.
Paul Pry, Paul-Pry, Peeping Tom, audient, auditor, backseat driver, busybody, butt-in, buttinsky, eavesdropper, fool with, gossip, hearer, hearkener, inquirer, inquisitive, inquisitor, interfere, intermeddle, intermeddler, intrude, intruder, kibitz, kibitzer, listener, meddle, meddle with, meddler, mess with, monkey with, mouse, nose, nose around, nosy Parker, overhearer, peek, peep, peeper, peer, poke, pragmatist, prier, private detective, private eye, private investigator, pry, querier, querist, questioner, quidnunc, rubberneck, rubbernecker, scopophiliac, shamus, sightseer, snook, snooper, spy, stare, tamper with, voyeur, yenta