List of snub synonyms and snub related words.
abbreviate, abbreviated, abridge, abridged, abstract, abstracted, arrest, ban, banish, beat back, blackball, bob, bobbed, boil down, bottle up, bridle, brush off, brush-off, capsule, capsulize, capsulized, cast out, chase, chase away, chase off, check, clip, clipped, cold shoulder, cold-shoulder, compress, compressed, condense, condensed, constrain, contain, contract, control, cool, cool off, countercheck, crop, cropped, curb, curtail, curtailed, cut, cut back, cut direct, cut down, cut off short, cut short, dam up, damp, dampen, decelerate, delay, deport, detain, digested, disfellowship, dismiss, dismissal, disregard, dock, docked, dompt, drive away, drive back, elide, elided, elliptic, enjoin, epitomize, exclude, excommunicate, exile, expatriate, expel, extradite, fend off, foreshorten, fugitate, govern, guard, high-hat, hinder, hold, hold at bay, hold back, hold fast, hold in, hold in check, hold in leash, hold off, hold up, humiliation, impede, inhibit, intercept, interfere, intermeddle, interrupt, intervene, keep, keep back, keep from, keep in, keep in check, keep off, keep under control, lay under restraint, meddle, mow, mowed, mown, nip, nipped, not receive, oppose, ostracize, outlaw, pack off, poll, pollard, polled, prohibit, proscribe, prune, pruned, pull, pull in, push back, put back, put down, reap, reaped, rebuff, recap, recapitulate, reduce, refusal, refuse, refuse to receive, rein, rein in, relegate, repel, repress, repulse, resist, restrain, retard, retrench, rusticate, scotch, send away, send down, send off, send packing, send to Coventry, set back, shave, shaved, shear, sheared, short-cut, shorten, shortened, slacken, slight, slow down, sneer, sniff, snob, snort, snubbed, spurn, spurning, straiten, stunt, sum up, summarize, suppress, swank, synopsize, take in, telescope, the cold shoulder, the go-by, thrust back, thrust out, transport, trim, trimmed, truncate, turn away from, turn back, upstage, ward off, withhold