List of soap synonyms and soap related words.
Grand Guignol, Passion play, Tom show, abstergent, adulation, amole, antimasque, audience success, ballet, baptize, bar soap, bath, bath soap, bathe, blandishment, blarney, bomb, broadcast drama, brown soap, bunkum, burlesque show, butter, butter up, cajolement, cajolery, cathartic, charade, cleaner, cleaning agent, cleaning solvent, cleanser, cleansing cream, cliff hanger, closet drama, cold cream, comedy drama, compliment, cream, critical success, daytime serial, dentifrice, depurant, detergent, dialogue, diuretic, documentary drama, douche, drama, dramalogue, dramatic play, dramatic series, duodrama, duologue, emetic, enema, epic theater, experimental theater, extravaganza, eyewash, failure, fair words, fawning, flattery, flop, flush, flush out, gargle, gasser, get around, giveaway, grease, happening, hit, hit show, holystone, honey, honeyed phrases, honeyed words, improvisational drama, incense, irrigate, jolly, kid along, lather, launder, lave, lay it on, legitimate drama, lotion, masque, melodrama, minstrel show, miracle, miracle play, monodrama, monologue, mop, mop up, morality, morality play, mouthwash, music drama, musical revue, mystery, mystery play, nauseant, oil, opera, overdo it, pageant, palaver, panel show, pantomime, pastoral, pastoral drama, piece, play, play up to, playlet, powdered soap, praise, pretty lies, problem play, psychodrama, pumice stone, purgative, purge, purifier, quiz show, radio drama, review, revue, rinse, rinse out, ritually immerse, scour, scrub, scrub up, sensational play, serial, shampoo, show, shower, sitcom, situation comedy, sketch, skit, sluice, sluice out, soap opera, sociodrama, soft soap, soft-soap, soften up, solvent, spectacle, sponge, stage play, stage show, straight drama, string along, stroke, success, suspense drama, swab, sweet nothings, sweet talk, sweet words, sycophancy, synthetic detergent, syringe, tableau, tableau vivant, talk show, teleplay, television drama, television play, theater of cruelty, toivel, tooth powder, toothpaste, total theater, tub, variety show, vaudeville, vaudeville show, vehicle, wash, wash out, wash up, wheedling, word-of-mouth success, work