List of sopor synonyms and sopor related words.
acedia, aloofness, apathy, ataraxia, ataraxy, benumbedness, blah, blahs, catalepsy, coma, comatoseness, detachment, disinterest, dispassion, dullness, encephalitis lethargica, heartlessness, hebetude, high, hopelessness, inappetence, indifference, insouciance, lack of appetite, languidness, lethargicalness, lethargy, listlessness, narcohypnosis, narcolepsy, narcoma, narcosis, narcotic stupor, narcotization, nod, nonchalance, numbness, passiveness, passivity, phlegm, phlegmaticalness, phlegmaticness, plucklessness, resignation, resignedness, sedation, shock, sleeping sickness, sloth, sluggishness, soporifousness, spiritlessness, spunklessness, stupefaction, stupor, supineness, swoon, thanatosis, torpidity, torpidness, torpor, trance, unconcern, withdrawnness