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sparkle synonyms and sparkle related words

Synonyms -> sparkle synonyms

List of sparkle synonyms and sparkle related words.

animation, be brilliant, be merry with, beam, blaze, blink, blinking, blubber, boil, boil over, boiling, brightness, brilliance, bubble, bubble over, bubble up, bubbliness, bubbling, burble, burn, caper, caracole, carbonation, cheer, cheerfulness, chirp, chirrup, coruscate, coruscation, crack a joke, crack wise, dance, dash, dazzle, ebullience, ebulliency, ebullition, effervesce, effervescence, effervescency, elan, energy, excitement, ferment, fermentation, fire, firefly, fizz, fizzle, flame, flash, fleer at, flicker, foaming, frolic, frothiness, frothing, fun, gaiety, gambol, gibe at, glance, gleam, glimmer, glimmering, glint, glisk, glisten, glister, glitter, glittering, glow, glowworm, guggle, gurgle, gusto, hiss, jape, jest, joke, josh, joy, kid, kid around, laugh, life, lilt, liveliness, make a funny, make fun, make fun of, mock, oomph, pep, piquancy, play on words, plop, poignancy, poke fun at, pun, pungency, quip, raciness, radiance, radiate cheer, ridicule, romp, scintilla, scintillate, scintillation, scoff at, seethe, shimmer, shimmering, shine, simmer, sing, skip, smile, spangle, spark, spirit, spumescence, stroboscopic light, tinsel, twinkle, twinkling, utter a mot, verve, vigor, vim, vivacity, vividness, whistle, wink, wisecrack, wittiness, work, zeal, zing, zip