List of specific synonyms and specific related words.
absolute, aid, alterative, analeptic, assistance, balm, balsam, categorical, certain, characteristic, circumscribed, circumscript, classificational, classificatory, clean-cut, clear-cut, concrete, corrective, cure, defined, defining, definite, definitive, delimited, demarcated, denominative, detailed, determinate, determined, different, differential, distinct, distinctive, distinguished, divisional, divisionary, encircled, esoteric, especial, established, exact, exceptional, explicit, express, extraordinary, finicky, fixed, full, fussy, healing agent, healing quality, hedged about, help, indicated, individual, inner, intimate, limited, meticulous, minute, nice, noteworthy, ordinal, particular, peculiar, personal, picayune, precise, predetermined, prescription, private, proper to, receipt, recipe, relief, remedial measure, remedy, reserved, respective, restorative, restricted, set, several, singular, solipsistic, sovereign remedy, special, specialized, specific remedy, specified, stated, subdivisional, succor, sui generis, surrounded, taxonomic, the concrete, the individual, the particular, the special, the specific, the unique, typal, typical, unambiguous, unequivocal, well-defined