List of spiteful synonyms and spiteful related words.
acrid, acrimonious, antagonistic, antipathetic, bearish, belligerent, bitchy, bitter, cankered, cantankerous, cattish, catty, caustic, churlish, clashing, colliding, conflicting, crabbed, cranky, cross, cross-grained, crusty, cussed, despiteful, disagreeable, evil, excitable, feisty, fractious, full of hate, hateful, hostile, huffish, huffy, invidious, irascible, irritable, malevolent, malicious, malign, malignant, mean, ornery, perverse, punitive, quarrelsome, rancorous, repugnant, retaliative, retaliatory, retributive, retributory, revengeful, set against, snappish, sore, spleeny, splenetic, testy, ugly, unforgiving, unfriendly, vengeful, venomous, vicious, vindictive, virulent, vitriolic, waspish, wicked