List of splenetic synonyms and splenetic related words.
acerb, acerbate, acerbic, acid, acidic, acidulent, acidulous, acrimonious, adrenal, bearish, bitchy, bitter, blase, burning, cankered, cantankerous, caustic, choleric, churlish, crabbed, cranky, cross, cross-grained, crusty, cussed, disagreeable, dispirited, eccrine, embittered, endocrine, excitable, exocrine, fed-up, feisty, fractious, glandular, glandulous, gonadal, good and tired, holocrine, huffish, huffy, humoral, irascible, irked, irritable, jaded, life-weary, luteal, mean, melancholic, melancholy, merocrine, ornery, ovarian, pancreatic, perverse, prostatic, rancorous, rankled, resentful, resenting, satiated, sick, sick of, snappish, sore, spiteful, spleeny, stewing, testy, thymic, thyroidal, tired, tired of, tired of living, tired to death, ugly, virulent, waspish, wearied, weariful, weary, weary unto death, world-weary