List of sport synonyms and sport related words.
Beau Brummel, Monopoly, Ping-Pong, Rugby, Scrabble, acrobatics, action, adventurer, advertise, affect, agate, agonistics, air, also-ran, amateur athlete, amusement, anomaly, antic, antics, archer, archery, association football, athlete, athletics, avatar, backgammon, badinage, badminton, bagatelle, ball, ballplayer, bandy, banter, baseball, baseball bat, baseballer, baseman, basketball, bat, bathing, batter, battery, battledore, battledore and shuttlecock, bauble, be dressed in, beano, beat, beau, belly laugh, betting ring, bettor, big time, billiards, bingo, blade, blazon forth, blocking back, blocks, blood, blue story, boneshaker, booby, boulevardier, bout, bowling, bowls, bowman, boxing, brandish, butt, call, caper, caracole, cardshark, cardsharp, cardsharper, carry on, cast lots, cat, catabolism, catalysis, catch, catcher, cavort, center, chaff, charades, chase, checkerboard, checkers, chess, chessboard, chevy, chivy, climbing, clotheshorse, club, coach, cockhorse, competitor, compulsive gambler, consubstantiation, contest, course, coursing, coxcomb, crambo, crap shooter, cricket, cricket bat, cricketer, croquet, crosspatch, cue, curling, curvet, cut a dido, cut capers, cut lots, cut the cards, cut up, cynegetics, dance, dandy, dangle, decathlon, defeatee, defensive lineman, demonstrate, deride, derision, dirty joke, dirty story, discus, displacement, display, disport, distraction, diversion, divertissement, dog, doll, doll carriage, dominoes, double entendre, double-header, doubles, draughts, draw lots, draw straws, drive, duck, dude, emblazon, end, enjoyment, entertainment, ethnic joke, event, exchange, exhibit, exquisite, falcon, falconry, fall guy, fashion plate, fencing, fine gentleman, fishing, fives, flash, flaunt, flounce, flourish, flush, follow the hounds, fool around, fooling, fooling around, football, footballer, fop, foursome, fowl, fox hunting, freak, fribble, frisk, frolic, fun, fun and games, funmaking, funny story, gag, gallant, gamble, gambler, gambol, game, game loser, games, games of chance, games-player, gamester, gewgaw, ghost, gimcrack, give-and-take, gliding, go, go hunting, golf, golf club, good loser, good one, good sport, good story, good time, good-natured banter, great fun, guard, gun, gunning, gymnastics, handball, harmless teasing, have on, hawk, hawking, hazarder, heterotopia, hide-and-seek, high jinks, high old time, high time, hiking, hobbyhorse, hockey, hold up, hopscotch, horse around, horseplay, horseshoes, hound, howler, humor, hunt, hunt down, hunting, hurdling, ice hockey, individualist, infielder, inner-directed person, innovation, jack, jack-a-dandy, jack-in-the-box, jackanapes, jacklight, jacks, jackstones, jackstraws, jape, jest, jestbook, jive, jock, joke, jollification, josh, jumper, keno, kickshaw, kidding, kidding around, knickknack, lacrosse, lady-killer, lark, laugh, laughs, lawn tennis, leapfrog, lineman, loser, lot, lotto, lovely time, luging, macaroni, man-about-town, manifest, marble, marbles, marionette, masher, match, match coins, meet, merels, metabolism, metagenesis, metamorphism, metamorphosis, metastasis, metathesis, metempsychosis, mig, misfit, mock, mockery, motorcycling, mountaineering, mumble-the-peg, mutant, mutated form, mutation, natation, naysayer, ninepins, nonconformist, novelty, oddball, offensive lineman, outfield, outfielder, palaestra, pall-mall, pallone, panic, paper doll, parade, pastime, pelota, pentathlon, permutation, persiflage, petty gambler, pick-up sticks, picnic, piker, pilgarlic, pinwheel, play, play at dice, play the ponies, play-off, player, plaything, pleasant time, pleasantry, pleasure, plunger, point, polo, poloist, pool, post office, professional athlete, prowl after, pugilist, punter, puppet, puppy, pushball, put forth, put forward, pyramids, quarterback, quintain, quits, race, racer, racket, racquets, raffle off, rag doll, raillery, rallying, recreate, recreation, reincarnation, relaxation, rib tickler, ride to hounds, ridicule, riding, riot, rocking horse, roller skating, rollick, romp, rounders, rowing, rugger, run, runoff, sailing, sailplaning, scream, sculling, sharp, sharper, sharpie, shikar, shinny, shoot, shoot craps, shooting, shot-put, show off, shuffleboard, sick joke, sidesplitter, sight gag, singles, skater, skating, skeet, skeet shooting, ski-jumping, skiing, skin-diving, skip, skittles, sledding, snooker, snorkel diving, snowmobiling, soccer, softball, spark, speculate, speculator, sporting, sporting man, sports, sportsman, squash, stalk, stalking, start, steelie, stickball, still hunt, still-hunt, stooge, story, surfing, swell, swimming, table tennis, tackle, tailback, taw, tease, teetotum, tennis, tenpins, tent pegging, tetherball, the vanquished, threesome, ticktacktoe, tiddlywinks, tilting, tinhorn, tipcat, tipster, tivoli, tobogganing, top, toss, tout, toxophilite, toy, toy soldier, track, track and field, trail, transanimation, transfiguration, transfigurement, transformation, transformism, translation, translocation, transmigration, transmogrification, transmutation, transposition, transubstantiation, trapshooting, trinket, trip, trumpet, trumpet forth, tug of war, tumbling, twit, twosome, underdog, vaunt, venery, venturer, victim, visual joke, volleyball, wagerer, water polo, waterskiing, wave, wear, wheeze, whim-wham, wingback, wow, wrestler, wrestling, yarn