List of stalemate synonyms and stalemate related words.
Tweedledum and Tweedledee, arrest, bell, blind alley, block, box, brake, bring to, bring up short, check, checkmate, corner, cul-de-sac, cut short, cutoff, dam, dead end, dead heat, dead stop, dead-end street, deadlock, draw, draw rein, end, endgame, ending, even break, extremity, fair shake, final whistle, freeze, full stop, grinding halt, gun, halt, hole, impasse, knotted score, lockout, mate, neck-and-neck race, photo finish, pull up, put paid to, sit-down strike, stall, stand, stand-off, standoff, standstill, stay, stem, stem the tide, stop, stop cold, stop dead, stop short, stoppage, strike, the same, tie, walkout, work stoppage