List of stalking horse synonyms and stalking horse related words.
alibi, also-ran, ambuscade, ambush, ambushment, apology, aspirant, baby kisser, bidet, blind, booby trap, candidate, carriage horse, cart horse, cavalry horse, cloak, color, cover, cover story, cover-up, dark horse, defeated candidate, device, draft horse, dray horse, driving horse, dud, excuse, facade, favorite son, feint, fill horse, filler, front, gigster, gloss, guise, hack, hackney, handle, hopeful, hunter, jument, lame duck, lame excuse, lead, leader, locus standi, lurking hole, mask, mount, office seeker, ostensible motive, pack horse, palfrey, plow horse, pole horse, political hopeful, polo pony, poor excuse, post-horse, presidential timber, pretense, pretension, pretext, protestation, public motive, put-off, refuge, remount, rider, riding horse, road horse, roadster, rouncy, running mate, saddle horse, saddler, screen, semblance, shadowing, shaft horse, sham, show, smoke screen, stratagem, subterfuge, sumpter, sumpter horse, surveillance, thill horse, thiller, trap, trick, varnish, veil, wheeler, wheelhorse, workhorse