List of star spangled synonyms and star spangled related words.
Cynthian, ablaze, aglow, alight, anagalactic, asteroidal, astral, astrologic, astrologistic, astrologous, astronomic, astrophysical, bathed with light, bespangled, brightened, candlelit, celestial, circumplanetary, cislunar, empyreal, empyrean, enlightened, equinoctial, extragalactic, firelit, galactic, gaslit, heavenly, heliacal, illuminated, in a blaze, intercosmic, interplanetary, intersidereal, interstellar, irradiate, irradiated, lamplit, lanternlit, lighted, lightened, lit, lit up, luminous, lunar, lunary, lunate, lunular, lunulate, meteoric, meteoritic, moonlit, nebular, nebulose, nebulous, planetal, planetarian, planetary, planetesimal, semilunar, sidereal, solar, spangled, sphery, star-studded, starlit, starry, stellar, stellary, studded, sunlit, terrestrial, tinseled, uranic, zodiacal