List of stay synonyms and stay related words.
abandon, abeyance, abide, abort, adhere, adjourn, advocate, afford support, afterthought, agglomerate, alpenstock, amnesty, anchor, arm, arrest, arrestation, athletic supporter, await, back, back up, backbone, backing, backpedal, backwater, bandeau, bar, be still, bear, bear up, bearer, bearing rein, belay, bell, berth, bide, bide the issue, billet at, bind, bit, bivouac, block, block up, blockade, blockage, bolster, bolster up, bottom, bra, brace, bracer, bracket, brake, brassiere, break, breath, breather, breathing place, breathing space, breathing spell, breathing time, bring to, bring up short, bunch, bung, bunk, buoy up, bureaucratic delay, burrow, buttress, cable, caesura, camp, cancel, cane, carrier, carry, carry on, caulk, cease, cease not, cease-fire, cervix, chain, check, checkmate, checkrein, chink, chock, choke, choke off, choke up, cigarette break, clasp, cleave, clinch, cling, cling to, clip the wings, clog, clog up, clot, cluster, coagulate, coast, cocktail hour, coffee break, cohabit, cohere, colonize, column, come to anchor, confine, congeal, congest, conglomerate, constipate, continue, continue to be, cork, corselet, corset, countercheck, cover, cradle, crook, crutch, curb, curb bit, cushion, cut it out, cut short, cutoff, dally, dam, dam up, damper, dawdle, day off, dead stop, deadlock, debarment, decelerate, defeat time, defer, deferment, deferral, defy time, delay, delayage, delayed reaction, desist, detain, detention, deter, determent, deterrence, dillydally, discontinuance, discontinuation, discontinue, discourage, discouragement, domesticate, domicile, domiciliate, doorstop, doss down, double take, downtime, drag, drag on, drag out, drag sail, dragging, draw rein, drift anchor, drift sail, drogue, drop, drop anchor, drop it, dwell, ease off, ease up, embrace, end, endgame, ending, endure, enforced respite, ensconce, establish, establish residence, estoppel, exemption, exist, extend, fetter, fill, fill up, final whistle, foil, forbiddance, foreclosure, forestalling, forestay, foul, found, foundation garment, freeze, freeze to, fulcrum, full stop, gird, girdle, give over, give support, go along, go on, grasp, grinding halt, ground, grow together, gun, guy, guywire, halt, hamper, hang, hang about, hang around, hang fire, hang on, hang out, hang together, hang up, hang-up, happy hour, have done with, hesitation, hinder, hindrance, hive, hold, hold back, hold everything, hold in check, hold off, hold on, hold out, hold over, hold steady, hold together, hold up, hold your horses, holdback, holdup, holiday, hug, immunity, impede, impunity, indemnity, inhabit, interim, interlude, intermezzo, intermission, intermittence, interrupt, interruption, interval, jam, jock, jockstrap, jog on, keep, keep afloat, keep back, keep going, keep house, keep on, keep quiet, keep up, knock it off, lag, lagging, lapse, last, last long, last out, lay aside, lay by, lay off, lay over, layoff, layover, leave off, lend support, let down, let up, letup, lie still, line, linger, live, live at, live on, live through, locate, lockout, lodge, logjam, loiter, lose ground, lose momentum, lose speed, lull, mainstay, maintain, maintainer, make late, mark time, martingale, mass, mast, moderate, moor, moratorium, move, neck, nest, never cease, nolle prosequi, non prosequitur, nonprosecution, not breathe, not stir, obstipate, obstruct, obstruction, obviation, occupy, pack, paperasserie, park, pause, pelham, people, perch, perdure, perennate, persist, pigeonhole, pillow, plug, plug up, populate, postpone, postponement, preclusion, predicate, prevail, prevent, prevention, procrastinate, prohibition, prolong, prop, prorogate, prorogue, protract, pull up, push aside, put aside, put off, put on ice, put paid to, quit, recess, red tape, red-tapeism, red-tapery, reef, refrain, rein in, reinforce, reinforcement, reinforcer, relax, relinquish, relocate, remain, remain motionless, remission, remora, renounce, repose, reprieve, reserve, reside, respite, rest, resting place, retard, retardance, retardation, rigging, room, roost, rope, run, run on, scotch, scrub, sea anchor, secure, set, set aside, set back, set by, set up housekeeping, set up shop, settle, settle down, shackle, shelve, shift off, shore, shore up, shoulder, shroud, sit down, sit tight, sit up, sit up for, sit-down strike, slack off, slack up, slacken, sleep on, slog on, slow, slow down, slow up, slow-up, slowdown, slowness, snaffle, sojourn, sojournment, solidify, spell, spile, spine, spoke, sprit, squat, staff, stagger on, stalemate, stall, stanch, stand, stand fast, stand firm, stand over, stand still, stand-down, standing rigging, standoff, standstill, stave, stave off, stay at, stay of execution, stay on, stay over, stay put, stay up, stay up for, stayover, stays, stem, stem the tide, stench, stick, stick around, stick fast, stick together, stiffener, stillstand, stop, stop cold, stop dead, stop over, stop short, stop up, stop-off, stopover, stoppage, stopper, stopping, stopple, strengthen, strengthener, stretch out, strike, strike root, stuff, stuff up, stymie, subsidize, subsist, subvention, support, supporter, surcease, survive, suspend, suspension, sustain, sustainer, sweat, sweat it out, sweat out, table, take a recess, take hold of, take in sail, take residence at, take root, take time, take up residence, tarry, tea break, tenant, terminate, throttle down, thwart, tide over, tie-up, time lag, time out, trammel, tread water, truce, underbrace, undergird, underlie, underpin, underpinning, underset, upbear, uphold, upholder, upkeep, vacation, visit, wait, wait a minute, wait and see, wait for, wait on, wait up for, waive, walking stick, walkout, watch, watch and wait, wear, work stoppage