List of stealth synonyms and stealth related words.
Italian hand, acuteness, art, artfulness, artifice, astuteness, cageyness, callidity, canniness, clandestine behavior, clandestineness, clandestinity, cleverness, covertness, craft, craftiness, cunning, cunningness, fine Italian hand, finesse, foxiness, furtiveness, gamesmanship, guile, ingeniousness, insidiousness, inventiveness, one-upmanship, prowl, prowling, readiness, resourcefulness, satanic cunning, secrecy, sharpness, shiftiness, shrewdness, slinkiness, slipperiness, slyness, sneakiness, sophistry, stalking, stealthiness, subtilty, subtleness, subtlety, suppleness, surreptitiousness, trickiness, underground activity, underhand dealing, underhandedness, wariness, wiles, wiliness, wit