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stertorous synonyms and stertorous related words

Synonyms -> stertorous synonyms

List of stertorous synonyms and stertorous related words.

asthmatic, brassy, brazen, breathing, choked, coarse, cracked, croaking, croaky, dry, errhine, expiratory, gruff, guttural, harsh, harsh-sounding, heaving, hoarse, huffing, husky, inspiratory, metallic, nasal, panting, pneumonic, puffing, pulmonary, pulmonic, ragged, raucid, raucous, respiratory, rhinal, rough, roupy, rude, sneezy, sniffling, sniffly, sniffy, snoring, snorting, snuffling, snuffly, snuffy, squawking, squawky, sternutatory, strangled, thick, throaty, tinny, wheezing, wheezy