List of sticky synonyms and sticky related words.
adherent, adhesive, amylaceous, awkward, bathed in sweat, bathetic, beaded with sweat, beery, boggy, bulldogged, bulldoggish, bulldoggy, bullheaded, clabbered, clammy, clingy, close, clotted, cloying, coagulated, curdled, damp, dampish, dank, delicate, dewy, diaphoretic, difficult, discomforting, doughy, drenched with sweat, embarrassing, fenny, formidable, gaumy, gelatinous, glairy, gluelike, gluey, glutenous, glutinose, glutinous, gooey, grumous, gumbo, gumbolike, gumlike, gummous, gummy, gushing, hairy, heavy, humid, in a sweat, inspissated, jelled, jellied, jellylike, knotty, laborious, marshy, maudlin, mawkish, moist, mucilaginous, mucky, muggy, mushy, namby-pamby, nostalgic, nostomanic, obstinate, operose, oppressive, oversentimental, oversentimentalized, pasty, persistent, perspiring, perspiry, rainy, romantic, ropy, roric, roriferous, rough, rugged, sappy, self-adhesive, sensitive, sentimental, sentimentalized, slabby, slimy, slithery, sloppy, slushy, soft, soggy, soppy, starchy, stickable, stifling, stodgy, strenuous, stringy, stubborn, stuffy, sudatory, sudoric, sudorific, suffocating, sultry, swampy, sweating, sweaty, sweltering, syrupy, tacky, tear-jerking, teary, tenacious, thick, thickened, ticklish, tough, tremelloid, tremellose, tricky, uncomfortable, undried, viscid, viscose, viscous, wet, wet with sweat, wettish, wilted