List of stop synonyms and stop related words.
English horn, abandon, abjure, abort, afterthought, allophone, alveolar, anchorage, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, arrest, arrestation, articulation, aspiration, assimilation, awe, baffle, ban, bar, barricade, barrier, bassoon, bearing rein, beat off, belay, bell, bilabial, bind, bit, blank wall, blind alley, blind gut, block, block flute, block up, blockade, blockage, blocking, bombard, bottleneck, boundary, bourdon, bourn, box, brake, break, break of, break off, break the habit, bring to, bring up, bring up short, bung, bureaucratic delay, cacuminal, caesura, call on, call upon, calm, calm down, cancel, caulk, cease, cease fire, cecum, cello, cerebral, cessation, chain, check, check valve, checkmate, checkrein, chink, chock, choke, choke off, choke up, choking, choking off, claribel, clarinet, clarion, clog, clog up, close, close off, close up, closing, closing up, cock, colon, come off, come up short, comma, concert flute, conclude, conclusion, confine, congest, congestion, consonant, constipate, constipation, continuant, cork, corner, cornet, cornopean, costiveness, counter, countercheck, cover, cromorna, cul-de-sac, curb, curb bit, cure, cushion, cut it out, cut off, cut out, cut short, cutoff, cymbel, dam, dam up, damp, dampen, damper, daunt, dead end, dead set, dead stand, dead stop, dead-end street, deaden, deadlock, deafen, debarment, delay, delayage, delayed reaction, dental, depot, desist, desist from, desistance, destination, detain, detention, deter, determent, determine, deterrence, diacritical mark, diapason, die down, diphthong, disaccustom, discontinuance, discontinue, discourage, discouragement, dishearten, dissimilation, disuse, doorstop, double take, drag, drag sail, dragging, draw rein, draw up, drift anchor, drift sail, drive back, drogue, drop, drop in, drop it, dulciana, dull, dwindle, dying down, ebb, ebbing, embolism, embolus, end, end stop, endgame, ending, epenthetic vowel, estoppel, explosive, extremity, faucet, faze, fence, fend, fend off, fetch up, fetter, fill, fill up, final whistle, finish, finish up, flute stop, forbiddance, foreclosure, forestalling, forswear, foul, foundation stop, fourniture, freeze, full stop, gamba, gedeckt, gemshorn, give over, give up, glide, glottal, glottalization, goal, gorge, grinding halt, gun, guttural, halt, hang fire, hang-up, harbor, harmonic flute, have done with, haven, hinder, hindrance, hold, hold at bay, hold back, hold off, hold up, holdback, holdup, hole, hybrid stop, impasse, impede, impediment, infarct, infarction, interim, interrupt, jam, jam up, juncture, keep at bay, keep back, keep off, kick, knock it off, koppel flute, labial, labialization, labiodental, labiovelar, lag, lagging, larigot, laryngeal, last stop, lateral, lay off, lay over, layover, leave off, let go, lid, lingual, liquid, lock, lockout, lodge, logjam, look in, lull, make late, manner of articulation, martingale, melodia, mixture, modification, molder, monophthong, moratorium, morphophoneme, muffle, mutation stop, mute, nasal, nazard, nol-pros, not pursue with, oboe, obstacle, obstipate, obstipation, obstruct, obstruction, obviation, occlusive, octave, organ stop, overawe, pacify, pack, pack in, palatal, paperasserie, parasitic vowel, parry, pause, pay a visit, peak, peg, pelham, period, perorate, peter out, pharyngeal, pharyngealization, phone, phoneme, piccolo, pin, plein jeu, plosive, plug, plug up, point, port, posaune, preclusion, prevent, prevention, principal, prohibition, prothetic vowel, pull up, punctuation, punctuation marks, push back, put back, put behind one, put paid to, put up, quiesce, quiet, quieten, quint, quintaten, quit, rank, ranket, rebuff, red tape, red-tapeism, red-tapery, reed stop, reference, reference mark, refrain, refrain from, register, relinquish, remora, renounce, repel, reprieve, repulse, resign, resolve, respite, rest, restrain, retard, retardance, retardation, retroflex, roadblock, rohr flute, run in, scotch, scrap, scratch, scrub, sea anchor, sea cock, sealing off, see, segmental phoneme, semicolon, semivowel, sesquialtera, shackle, shake, shawm, sit-down strike, slacken, slow, slow down, slow-up, slowdown, slowness, snaffle, soft-pedal, soften, sojourn, sojournment, sonant, sonority, soothe, speech sound, spigot, spike, spile, spill, spitz flute, spoke, stage, stalemate, stall, stanch, stand, standoff, standstill, station, staunch, stave off, stay, stay of execution, stay over, stayover, stem, stem the tide, stench, stick, stillstand, stop by, stop cold, stop dead, stop off, stop over, stop short, stop up, stop-off, stopgap, stopover, stoppage, stopped diapason, stopped flute, stopper, stopping, stopping place, stopple, strangulation, strike, string diapason, string stop, stuff, stuff up, stymie, subdue, subside, subsidence, suppress, surd, suspension, swear off, syllabic nucleus, syllabic peak, syllable, take a break, take the pledge, tap, tarry, terminal, terminal point, terminate, termination, terminus, throw off, thwart, tie-up, tierce, time lag, tittle, tone down, trammel, tranquilize, transition sound, tremolo, triphthong, trombone, trumpet, turn aside, twelfth, unda maris, valve, velar, vibrato, viola, visit, vocable, vocalic, vocoid, voice, voiced sound, voiceless sound, voicing, voix celeste, vowel, vox angelica, vox humana, wait, waive, walkout, wall, wane, waning, ward off, wean, wind up, work stoppage