List of strangulation synonyms and strangulation related words.
abbreviation, abolishment, abolition, annihilation, annulment, asphyxia, asphyxiation, astriction, astringency, bar, barrier, beheading, blank wall, blind alley, blind gut, block, blockade, blockage, bottleneck, burking, burning, capital punishment, cecum, cervix, choke, choking, choking off, circumscription, clog, coarctation, compactedness, compaction, compression, compressure, concentration, condensation, congestion, consolidation, constipation, constriction, constringency, contraction, contracture, costiveness, crucifixion, cul-de-sac, curtailment, dead end, decapitation, decollation, decrease, defenestration, deracination, diminuendo, drowning, electrocution, elimination, embolism, embolus, eradication, execution, extermination, extinction, extinguishment, extirpation, fusillade, garrote, gassing, gorge, hanging, hemlock, hourglass, hourglass figure, impasse, impediment, infarct, infarction, isthmus, jam, judicial murder, killing, knitting, lapidation, liquidation, liver death, megadeath, narrow place, narrowing, neck, necktie party, negation, nullification, obstacle, obstipation, obstruction, poisoning, puckering, purge, pursing, reduction, rooting out, sealing off, serum death, shooting, shortening, silencing, smotheration, smothering, snuffing out, solidification, starvation, stifling, stoning, stop, stoppage, stranglement, strangling, striction, stricture, suffocation, suppression, systole, the ax, the block, the chair, the gallows, the gas chamber, the guillotine, the hot seat, the rope, throttling, uprooting, violent death, voiding, wasp waist, watery grave, wrinkling