List of stratum synonyms and stratum related words.
Appleton layer, F layer, Heaviside-Kennelly layer, Van Allen belt, band, bed, bedding, belt, blood, bracket, branch, caste, category, chemosphere, clan, class, couche, course, deck, division, estate, floor, gallery, grade, group, grouping, head, heading, ionosphere, isothermal region, kin, label, layer, ledge, level, lower atmosphere, measures, order, outer atmosphere, overlayer, overstory, photosphere, pigeonhole, plane, position, predicament, race, rank, rating, rubric, seam, section, sept, set, shelf, stage, standing, station, status, step, story, strain, stratification, stratosphere, subdivision, subgroup, suborder, substratosphere, substratum, superstratum, table, thickness, tier, title, topsoil, tropopause, troposphere, underlayer, understory, understratum, upper atmosphere, vein, zone