List of streak synonyms and streak related words.
X ray, actinic ray, actinism, animus, antelope, aptitude, arrow, atomic beam, atomic ray, band, bar, beam, beam of light, belt, bent, bespangle, bespeckle, bespot, bezel, bias, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, blotch, blue darter, blue streak, body-build, bolt, brand, canal, canalize, cannonball, carve, cast, chalk, chalk up, chamfer, channel, character, characteristic, characteristics, chase, check, check off, checker, chink, chisel, cicatrize, complexion, composition, constituents, constitution, corrugate, corrugation, courser, crack, cranny, crasis, craze, crimp, cross-hatching, cut, dado, dapple, dart, dash, daub, define, delimit, delineation, demarcate, dharma, diagonal, diathesis, dike, discolor, disposition, ditch, dot, dotted line, eagle, eccentricity, electricity, engrave, engraving, ethos, express train, fiber, flake, flash, fleck, flute, fluting, fly, frame, freckle, furrow, gamma ray, gash, gazelle, genius, gleam, goffer, gouge, grain, greased lightning, greyhound, groove, gruel, gully, habit, hachure, hairline, hare, harlequin, hasten, hatch, hatching, hue, humor, humors, hurry, hurtle, idiosyncrasy, ilk, impress, imprint, incise, incision, inclination, individualism, infrared ray, invisible radiation, iris, jet plane, kidney, kind, lath, layer, leam, leaning, light, lightning, line, lineation, list, maculate, make, make a mark, makeup, marble, marbleize, mark, mark off, mark out, mental set, mercury, mere shadow, mettle, microgroove, mind, mind-set, mold, motley, mottle, nature, nick, notch, paper, patch, pencil, pepper, period, photon, physique, pleat, plow, point, polychrome, polychromize, predilection, predisposition, preference, prick, print, proclivity, propensity, property, punch, punctuate, puncture, quality, quicksilver, rabbet, race, radiation, radiorays, rail, rainbow, rake, ray, ray of light, ribbon, ribbon of light, riddle, rifle, rifling, rocket, ruck, run, rush, rut, scar, scared rabbit, scarify, scoot, score, scotch, scratch, seal, seam, set, shadow, shaving, shot, skeleton, slant, slash, slat, slip, slit, smear, solar rays, somatotype, sort, soup, spangle, spate, speck, speckle, speed, spell, spirit, splinter, splotch, spot, sprinkle, sprint, stain, stamp, stigmatize, stipple, strain, strake, stratum, streak of lightning, streaking, stream, stream of light, streamer, stretch, stria, striate, striation, striature, striga, striola, strip, stripe, striped snake, striping, stroke, stud, sublineation, suchness, sulcation, sulcus, swallow, system, tattoo, tear, temper, temperament, tendency, tenor, tessellate, thought, thunderbolt, tick, tick off, tone, torrent, touch, trace, trench, trough, turn, turn of mind, twist, type, ultraviolet ray, underline, underlining, underscore, underscoring, variegate, vein, violet ray, virgule, wafer, warp, way, well-worn groove, whistle, whiz, wind, wrinkle, zip, zoom