List of streetfighter synonyms and streetfighter related words.
battler, belligerent, belted knight, bickerer, blade, bravo, brawler, bully, bullyboy, combatant, competitor, contender, contestant, disputant, duelist, enforcer, fencer, feuder, fighter, fighting cock, foilsman, gamecock, gladiator, goon, gorilla, hatchet man, hood, hoodlum, hooligan, jouster, knight, militant, plug-ugly, quarreler, rioter, rival, rough, rowdy, ruffian, sabreur, scrapper, scuffler, squabbler, strong arm, strong-arm man, strong-armer, struggler, swashbuckler, sword, swordplayer, swordsman, thug, tilter, tough, tussler, wrangler