List of string synonyms and string related words.
A string, Amati, Cremona, D string, E string, G string, Indian file, Strad, Stradivari, Stradivarius, age group, agree, array, articulation, atone, attune, authority, band, bank, bar, bass, bass viol, battalion, be continuous, bevy, bluff, body, boundary condition, bow, braid, brail, bridge, brigade, bull fiddle, bunch, buzz, cabal, cable, caravan, cast, catch, catches, catena, catenate, catenation, catgut, cavalcade, cello, chain, chain reaction, chaining, chaplet, cheat, choker, chord, clause, clique, cohort, collaborate, column, command, company, complement, concatenate, concatenation, concur, condition, conditions, connect, connect up, connection, consecution, contingent, continuate, continue, continuum, contrabass, control, cord, corps, cortege, coterie, course, covey, crew, crowd, cycle, deceive, delay, dernier ressort, descent, detachment, detail, division, dominate, domination, donnee, doorstep, double bass, drag out, drape, dress parade, drone, dupe, echelon, eight, eleven, endless belt, endless round, entry, escalator clause, escape clause, escape hatch, exception, exert influence, expedient, extend, faction, favorite, festoon, fiddle, fiddlebow, fiddlestick, fiddlestring, filament, file, filiation, fine print, fingerboard, first string, first team, five, fleet, flyover, follow, fool, footrest, footstep, form a series, funeral, gamut, gang, given, go along with, gradation, grounds, group, grouping, groupment, hang, hoax, hold the reins, horsehair, hum, in-group, join, joker, junta, jurisdiction, kicker, kit, kit fiddle, kit violin, lead, leader, leash, ligament, ligation, ligature, limitations, limiting condition, line, lineage, linguistic act, link, locution, loop, lynch, maintain continuity, makeshift, manipulate, march past, mastery, might, mob, monotone, motorcade, movement, mudder, mule train, necklace, nexus, nine, nylon string, obligation, operate, order, out-group, outfit, pack, pack train, parade, parameter, parol, parole, party, peer group, pendulum, periodicity, phalanx, phonation, plate horse, plater, platoon, plenum, pole horse, pomp, pony, posse, postpone, powder train, prerequisite, procession, progression, promenade, protract, provision, provisions, proviso, pull the strings, put in tune, qualification, queue, race horse, racer, range, rank, reach, recourse, recurrence, refuge, regiment, requisite, reservation, reserves, resort, rest, reticulation, review, riser, rope, rotation, round, routine, row, rowing crew, run, run on, rundle, rung, salon, saving clause, scale, scroll, second string, second team, sequel, sequence, sequence of phonemes, series, set, shift, sine qua non, single file, skimmington, sling, small print, soundboard, speaking, specification, spectrum, speech act, spin out, spoke, spun yarn, squad, stable, stair, stake horse, staker, starter, stave, steel string, steeplechaser, step, step stool, stepping-stone, stipulation, stipulations, stopgap, strand, stream, stretch, string along, string out, string together, string up, strings, strip, stripe, substitute, succession, suspend, swath, sway, team, tendon, tenor violin, term, terms, the spoken word, third string, thong, thread, tier, tone down, tone up, tongue, train, tread, tribe, trick, troop, troupe, tune, tune up, tuning peg, twine, twist, ultimatum, utterance, utterance string, varsity, viola, violin, violinette, violoncello, violoncello piccolo, violone, violotta, vocable, voice, whereas, windrow, wing, wire, word, word of mouth, wound string, wreath, yarn