List of subsiding synonyms and subsiding related words.
at rest, calm, cloistered, collapsing, coming apart, contractive, cool, cracking, crumbling, decadent, deciduous, declining, declivitous, decreasing, decrescendo, decrescent, decurrent, degenerate, deliquescent, descendant, descending, deteriorating, diminishing, diminuendo, disintegrating, down, down-reaching, downcoming, downfalling, downgoing, downhill, downsinking, downward, draining, drooping, dropping, dwindling, ebbing, effete, even-tenored, fading, failing, falling, flagging, fragmenting, going to pieces, halcyon, hushed, impassive, isolated, languishing, lessening, marcescent, moldering, on the descendant, on the downgrade, on the wane, pacific, peaceable, peaceful, pining, placid, plummeting, plunging, quiescent, quiet, reductive, regressive, reposeful, reposing, restful, resting, retrograde, retrogressive, sagging, secluded, sequestered, sequestrated, setting, sheltered, shriveling, sinking, sliding, slipping, slumping, smooth, still, still as death, stillish, stilly, stoic, stolid, submerging, tabetic, tottering, tranquil, tumbledown, unagitated, undisturbed, unmoved, unperturbed, unruffled, unstirring, untroubled, waning, wasting, wilting, withering, worsening