List of substratum synonyms and substratum related words.
air, atom, atomic particles, band, base, basement, basis, bearing wall, bed, bedding, bedrock, belly, belt, bottom, bottom side, breech, brute matter, building block, buttocks, chemical element, component, constituent, core, couche, course, deck, downside, earth, element, elementary particle, elementary unit, fire, floor, flooring, fond, footing, foundation, fundament, fundamental, fundamental particle, gallery, ground, grounds, groundwork, hardpan, hyle, hypostasis, infrastructure, layer, ledge, level, lower side, lowest layer, lowest level, material, material world, materiality, matter, measures, meat, molecule, monad, natural world, nature, nether side, nethermost level, overlayer, overstory, pavement, physical world, plenum, principle, radical, riprap, rock bottom, root, rudiment, seam, seat, shelf, sill, solid ground, solid rock, stage, step, stereobate, story, stratum, stuff, stylobate, substance, substrate, substruction, substructure, superstratum, terra firma, the four elements, thickness, tier, topsoil, underbelly, underbuilding, undercarriage, undergirding, underlayer, underneath, underpinning, underside, understory, understratum, understruction, understructure, unit of being, water, zone