List of suburbia synonyms and suburbia related words.
Bowery, Chinatown, East End, East Side, Little Hungary, Little Italy, Middle America, Stadt, West End, West Side, banlieue, barrio, black ghetto, blighted area, boom town, borough, bourg, bourgeoisie, burg, burgh, burgherdom, business district, central city, city, city center, conurbation, core, downtown, exurb, exurbia, faubourg, fourth-rater, ghetto, ghost town, greater city, greenbelt, inner city, market town, mediocrity, megalopolis, metropolis, metropolitan area, middle class, middle order, middle orders, midtown, municipality, no prize, nobody special, nonentity, nothing special, outskirts, polis, red-light district, residential district, run-down neighborhood, second-rater, shopping center, silent majority, skid road, skid row, slum, slums, small beer, small potatoes, spread city, suburb, suburbs, tenderloin, tenement district, third-rater, tinhorn, town, township, uptown, urban blight, urban complex, urban sprawl, urbs, ville