List of suck in synonyms and suck in related words.
absorb, allure, aspirate, bait, bait the hook, beguile, betray, bib, bitch, blandish, booze, breathe in, bunk, cajole, catch up in, coax, concern, decoy, delude, double-cross, drain the cup, draw, draw in, draw on, drink, drink in, drink off, drink to, drink up, embarrass, engage, enmesh, ensnare, entangle, entice, flirt, flirt with, four-flush, give the come-on, guzzle, imbibe, implicate, inhale, inspire, interest, inveigle, involve, lead on, lure, offer bait to, pledge, pull, quaff, rope in, seduce, sell out, sip, slurp, sniff, sniffle, snuff, snuff in, snuffle, suck, suck into, suckle, sup, swig, swill, take in, tangle, tipple, toast, toss down, toss off, wash down, woo