List of survey synonyms and survey related words.
abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridgment, abstract, analysis, appraisal, appraise, appraisement, appreciate, approximation, article, assay, assemblage, assembly, assess, assessment, assize, assizement, audit, autopsy, boss, brief, calculate, calculation, calibrate, caliper, call-up, canvass, capsule, causerie, census, chaperon, check, check a parameter, check out, check over, check up, check up on, collection, colligation, collocation, combination, command, comment upon, comparison, compend, computation, compute, con, concourse, concurrence, condensation, condensed version, conduct a poll, confluence, conflux, congregation, conspectus, consumer research, consumer-preference survey, contemplate, contemplation, convergence, corralling, correction, criticize, data-gathering, deal with, descant, determination, dial, digest, discourse, discuss, discussion, disquisition, dissert, dissertate, dissertation, divide, domination, draft, enquiry, epitome, essay, estimate, estimation, etude, evaluate, evaluation, examination, examine, excursus, exposition, eye, eyeball inspection, eyereach, eyeshot, eyesight, fathom, feature, field of view, field of vision, first approach, gathering, gauge, gauging, give an examination, give the eye, give the once-over, go into, go over, graduate, handle, hard look, head, homily, horizon, ingathering, inquire into, inquiry, inspect, inspection, instrumentation, introductory study, inventory, investigate, investigation, junction, juxtaposition, ken, leer, leer at, limit of vision, line of sight, look at, look into, look over, lucubration, make a survey, measure, measurement, measuring, memoir, mensurate, mensuration, mete, meter, metric system, mobilization, monitor, monograph, morceau, muster, naked eye, note, observe, ocular inspection, ogle, ogle at, opinion poll, outline, outlook, outlook over, overhaul, overhauling, overlook, oversee, overview, pace, pandect, paper, paragraph, pass over, pass under review, peer at, perlustration, perspective, perusal, peruse, piece, plumb, poll, pore, pore over, postmortem, precis, preliminary study, prize, probe, prolegomenon, prospect, public-opinion poll, quality control, quantification, quantify, quantization, quantize, quarterback, questionary, questionnaire, range, rate, rating, remark upon, research paper, review, rodeo, roundup, rubric, run over, run-through, sample, scan, scanning, scope, scope of vision, screed, scrutinize, scrutiny, set an examination, set at, shortened version, sight, sightliness, size, size up, skeleton, sketch, sound, span, special article, step, study, superintend, surveying, syllabus, synopsis, take a long, take a reading, take stock of, take the measure, take up, telemetering, telemetry, term paper, the eye, theme, thesis, thumbnail sketch, topical outline, touch upon, tract, tractate, treat, treat of, treatise, treatment, triangulate, triangulation, valuate, valuation, value, vet, vetting, view, visitation, vista, visual examination, weigh, write up