List of suspicious synonyms and suspicious related words.
Pyrrhonic, a bit thick, a bit thin, absurd, agnostic, amoral, apprehensive, arguable, at issue, beyond belief, borderline, cagey, careful, cautious, chary, confutable, conjectural, conscienceless, contestable, controversial, controvertible, corrupt, corrupted, criminal, crooked, dark, debatable, deniable, devious, disbelieving, dishonest, dishonorable, disinclined to believe, disposed to doubt, disputable, distrustful, distrustfully, doubtable, doubtful, doubtfully, doubting, dubious, dubitable, envious, evasive, felonious, fishy, fraudulent, from Missouri, green, green with jealousy, green-eyed, guarded, hard of belief, hard to believe, horn-mad, iffy, ill-got, ill-gotten, immoral, impervious to persuasion, implausible, in dispute, in doubt, in dubio, in question, inconceivable, inconvincible, incredible, incredulous, indirect, insidious, invidious, jaundice-eyed, jaundiced, jealous, leery, mistakable, mistrustful, mistrusting, moot, not deserving belief, not kosher, open, open to doubt, open to question, open to suspicion, passing belief, preposterous, problematic, queer, questionable, questioning, refutable, ridiculous, rotten, sceptical, scrupulous, shady, shaky, shameless, shifty, shy, shy of belief, sinister, skeptical, skeptically, slippery, speculative, staggering belief, suppositional, suspect, suspected, suspecting, suspiciously, tall, thick, thin, tricky, unbelievable, unbelieving, uncertain, unconscienced, unconscientious, unconscionable, unconvincible, unconvincing, uncredulous, under suspicion, underhand, underhanded, unearthly, uneasy, unethical, ungodly, unimaginable, unpersuadable, unpersuasible, unprincipled, unsavory, unscrupulous, unstraightforward, unsure, unthinkable, untrusting, unwilling to accept, unworthy of belief, wary, watchful, without remorse, without shame, yellow, yellow-eyed