List of take off synonyms and take off related words.
abate, abscind, absquatulate, act, act a part, act as, act out, advance, allow, ameliorate, amend, amputate, annihilate, ape, aspire, ban, bar, bate, bear, become airborne, begin, begone, bereave of life, blast away, blast off, bob, burlesque, carry away, carry off, cast off, charge off, chloroform, claw skyward, clear, clear out, clip, come along, come on, commence, copy, copycat, crop, cull, cut, cut away, cut down, cut off, cut out, cut short, decamp, deduct, depreciate, deprive of life, destroy, detach, develop, discount, disengage, dispatch, dispose of, dive in, do, do away with, do for, do to death, dock, doff, dog it, douse, down, draw back, drop, eliminate, enact, end, enucleate, eradicate, except, excise, exclude, execute, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, fall to, finish, finish off, float, fly, fly aloft, free, gain, gain altitude, gain ground, get ahead, get along, get rid of, get to, go ahead, go forward, graduate, grow better, hang, head, head into, hightail, hit off, hit off on, hover, imitate, immolate, impersonate, improve, isolate, jump off, kick back, kick off, kill, kite, knock off, lam, launch into eternity, lay low, leave the ground, liberate, light out, liquidate, look up, loose, loosen, lop, lynch, make, make allowance, make away with, make headway, make off, make progress, make strides, martyr, martyrize, masquerade as, meliorate, mend, mime, mimic, mock, mutilate, nip, pantomime, pare, parody, parrot, pass for, peel, perform, perk up, personate, pick out, pick up, pitch in, plane, play, play a part, plunge into, poise, poison, pose as, powder, pretend to be, progress, prune, purge, put away, put down, put off, put paid to, put to death, put to sleep, rebate, reduce, refund, release, remove, remove from life, root out, rotate, rule out, sacrifice, scrag, scram, send off, set about, set apart, set aside, set in, set out, set sail, set to, shape up, shave, shear, show improvement, skedaddle, skip, skip out, skyrocket, slaughter, slay, slip out of, soar, spire, split, stamp out, start, start in, start off, start out, starve, step out of, strike, strike off, strip, strip off, subtract, take, take a powder, take a premium, take away, take life, take off on, take out, taxi, throw off, to, travesty, truncate, turn to, unbar, unbind, unbolt, unbuckle, unbutton, unchain, unclasp, undo, unfasten, unfetter, unglue, unlace, unlatch, unleash, unlock, unloose, unloosen, unstick, unstrap, untie, unwrap, vamoose, weigh anchor, wipe out, withdraw, write off, zoom