List of tally synonyms and tally related words.
a reckoning of, accommodate, accommodate with, accord, accordance, account, account current, account of, account rendered, account stated, accounting, acta, active list, adapt, adapt to, add, add up, addition, adjust, adjust to, affinity, aggregate, agree, agree with, agreement, algebraize, ally, alter ego, amount, analogon, analogue, annual, answer to, assent, assimilate to, associate, assort with, balance, be consistent, be guided by, be of one, be uniform with, bend, billhead, blacklist, book, book stamp, bookplate, box score, brand, brief, broad arrow, brother, bulletin, cachet, calculate, calculation, calendar, call off, call over, call the roll, cash account, cast, catalog, census, census report, check, check of, checklist, chime, chime in with, chorus, cipher, civil list, close copy, close match, cognate, cohere, coherence, coincide, coincidence, colophon, companion, compare, compatibility, complement, comply, comply with, compose, computation, compute, concert, concord, concordance, concur, conform, conform with, conformance, conformation, conformity, congenator, congener, congeniality, congruence, congruency, congruity, consist with, consistency, consonance, consort, control account, cooperate, cooperation, coordinate, correct, correlate, correlative, correspond, correspondence, correspondent, count, count of, count out, count up, counterfoil, countermark, counterpart, difference, discipline, divide, docket, dope out, dovetail, duplicate, election returns, enroll, enter, enumerate, enumeration, equal, equivalence, equivalent, estimate, extract roots, fall in together, fall in with, fellow, figure, figure in, figure out, file, fit, fit in, fit together, foliate, follow, gear to, gee, go, go by, go together, go with, government mark, government stamp, hallmark, hang together, harmonize, harmony, hit, hold together, image, impanel, imprint, income account, index, interlock, intersect, intersection, inventory, itemization, itemize, items, jibe, keep score, kindred spirit, label, letterhead, like, likeness, list, listing, lock, logo, logotype, make conform, mark, marker, masthead, match, mate, measure, meet, minutes, mold, multiply, near duplicate, number, numerate, observe, obverse, oneness, overlap, page, paginate, parallel, parallelism, peace, pendant, picture, pigeonhole, plate, poll, post, price tag, proceedings, product, program, provision account, quantify, quantity, quantize, rapport, reciprocal, reckon, reckoning, reconcile, record, rectify, register, register with, registered trademark, registry, repertory, report, respond to, retired list, returns, revenue account, rub off corners, run over, running account, running head, running title, sales account, schedule, score, seal, second self, self-consistency, selling account, settle, shape, sick list, sigil, signet, similitude, simulacrum, sing in chorus, sister, sort with, soul mate, square, square with, stamp, stand together, statement, sticker, stock account, straighten, stub, subtract, such, suchlike, suit, sum, summation, suspense account, symmetry, sync, synchronism, tab, tabs of, tabulate, tabulation, tag, take account of, tale, tally of, tally sheet, tally up, tally with, tell, the bottom line, the like of, the likes of, the record, the story, the whole story, ticket, timing, title page, token, tot, tot up, total, total up, tote, tote up, track of, trade name, trademark, trademark name, transactions, twin, uniformity, union, unison, unisonance, valuation account, whole, work out, x number, yearbook, yield