List of tame synonyms and tame related words.
abate, abeyant, acclimate, acclimatize, accommodate, accustom, adapt, adjust, allay, alleviate, amenable, apathetic, assuage, attemper, bank the fire, bed, bed down, biddable, bland, blunt, boring, break, break in, break to harness, bridle, broken, brush, bust, busted, calm, case harden, cataleptic, catatonic, chasten, chastened, compliant, condition, confirm, constrain, control, cowardly, curb, curry, currycomb, damp, dampen, de-emphasize, dead, deaden, diminish, disciplined, docile, domestic, domesticate, domesticated, domesticize, domiciliate, dopey, dormant, dovelike, downplay, drench, dull, establish, extenuate, familiarize, fearless, feeble, feed, fix, flat, fodder, foul, gentle, groggy, groom, habituate, handle, harden, harness, heavy, hitch, house-train, housebreak, housebroken, humble, humdrum, in abeyance, in suspense, inactive, ineffectual, inert, insipid, inure, judicious, keep within bounds, lamblike, languid, languorous, latent, lay, leaden, lenify, lessen, lifeless, lighten, lily-livered, litter, logy, manage, master, meek, mild, mild as milk, milk, mitigate, moderate, modulate, mollify, mute, naturalize, nonviolent, obedient, obtund, ordinary, orient, orientate, pacific, pacifistic, pacify, palliate, passive, peaceable, peaceful, phlegmatic, play down, pliable, pliant, prosaic, prudent, pusillanimous, quiet, reduce, reduce the temperature, restrain, rub down, run-of-the-mill, saddle, season, sedentary, slack, slacken, sleeping, slow down, sluggish, slumbering, smoldering, smother, sober, sober down, soft, soften, stagnant, standing, static, stifle, subdue, subdued, subjugate, submissive, suppress, suppressed, suspended, tamed, tedious, temper, temperate, tend, timid, timorous, tiresome, tone down, torpid, tractable, train, trained, tune down, unafraid, unaroused, unassertive, underplay, unexciting, uninspired, uninteresting, vapid, water, weaken, white-livered, wishy-washy, wont, yellow, yoke