List of teaching synonyms and teaching related words.
a belief, adage, ana, analects, aphorism, apothegm, article of faith, assignment, autodidactic, axiom, belief, byword, canon, catchword, chalk talk, charge, coeducational, collected sayings, command, commission, credo, creed, cultural, current saying, dictate, dictum, didactic, direction, disciplinary, discourse, disquisition, distich, doctrine, dogma, edifying, educating, educational, educative, enlightening, epigram, exercise, exhortatory, exposition, expression, faith, gnome, golden saying, harangue, homework, homiletic, homily, hortatory, illuminating, informative, initiatory, injunction, instruction, instructive, introductory, lecture, lecture-demonstration, lecturing, lesson, maxim, moral, moral lesson, morality, moralization, mot, motto, object lesson, oracle, order, orthodoxy, phrase, pithy saying, preaching, preachment, precept, preceptive, prescript, prescription, principle, propaedeutic, proverb, proverbial saying, proverbs, recital, recitation, religion, religious belief, religious faith, saw, saying, self-teaching, sentence, sententious expression, sermon, set task, skull session, sloka, stock saying, sutra, system of beliefs, talk, task, tenet, text, theology, tradition, tuitionary, verse, wisdom, wisdom literature, wise saying, witticism, word, words of wisdom