List of tear synonyms and tear related words.
abrade, abrasion, amputate, assault, attack, autacoid, ax, bacchanal, bacchanalia, bacchanalian, ball the jack, barbarize, bark, barrel, bat, batter, bawling, bender, bile, binge, bisect, blemish, bloody, blubbering, boil, bolt, boom, booze, bout, bowl along, breach, break, breakage, breeze, breeze along, broach, brush, brutalize, bundle, burn, burst, bust, bustle, butcher, buzz about, career, carousal, carouse, carry on, carve, celebration, chafe, chalone, charge, chase, check, chink, chip, chop, chyle, claw, cleave, cleft, clip, colostrum, compotation, concussion, crack, crackle, craze, crevasse, crowd, cry, crying, cut, cut along, cut away, cut in two, cut off, cut open, damage, dart, dash, dash off, dash on, debauch, destroy, devil, dichotomize, digestive secretion, discharge, dispart, dissever, divaricate, divide, double-time, drinking bout, drunk, drunken carousal, endocrine, escapade, evulse, excise, excrete, festinate, fissure, fit of crying, flash burn, fleet, fling, flit, flood of tears, flutter, fly, fly low, fly open, fracture, fray, frazzle, fret, fuss, gall, gallop, gap, gash, gastric juice, get going, get moving, give out, gleet, go fast, go on, good cry, gore, greet, guzzle, hack, halve, hammer, haste, hasten, hew, hie, highball, hole, hormone, humor, hump, hump it, hurry, hurry about, hurry on, hurry through, hurry up, hurry-scurry, hurt, hurtle, hustle, ichor, impair, incise, incision, injure, injury, intestinal juice, jag, jigsaw, lacerate, laceration, lachryma, lachrymosity, lacrimatory, lactate, lactation, lance, lark, lash, lay open, lay waste, leap, lesion, leukorrhea, loot, lose no time, lymph, maim, make a fuss, make haste, make knots, make mincemeat of, mangle, matter, maul, melting mood, milk, mortal wound, move quickly, mucor, mucus, mug, mutilate, mutilation, nip, np, ope, open, open up, orgy, outstrip the wind, overflowing eyes, pancreatic juice, pare, part, peccant humor, phlegm, pierce, pillage, ploy, plunge, post, potation, pour it on, press on, produce, prostatic fluid, prune, pub-crawl, pull, pull apart, puncture, purulence, pus, push on, race, rage, ramp, rampage, randan, randy, rant, rape, rave, rend, rent, revel, rheum, ribbon, rift, riot, rip, rive, roar, ruin, run, rupture, rush, rush about, rush around, rush through, sack, saliva, salivary secretion, sanies, savage, saw, scald, scale, scamper, scissor, scoot, scorch, score, scotch, scour, scramble, scrape, scratch, scud, scuff, scurry, scuttle, secern, second-degree burn, secrete, semen, separate, serous fluid, serum, sever, shoot, shred, sizzle, skedaddle, skim, skin, slash, slaughter, slice, slit, snatch, snip, sniveling, snot, sobbing, sore, sow chaos, speed, sperm, splinter, split, sprain, spread, spread out, spree, spring open, sprint, spurt, stab, stab wound, step on it, stick, storm, storm along, strain, sunder, suppuration, sweat, sweep, swing open, symposium, tap, tear along, tear around, tear bottle, tear open, teardrop, tearful eyes, tearfulness, tears, terrorize, the whites, third-degree burn, throw open, thunder along, thyroxin, toot, trauma, traumatize, urine, vandalize, violate, wassail, water, weep, weepiness, weeping, whimpering, whisk, whittle, whiz, whiz about, wingding, wound, wounds immedicable, wreck, wrench, yank, zing, zip, zoom