List of telltale synonyms and telltale related words.
a tale-bearing animal, babbling, betrayal, betrayer, blab, blabber, blabberer, blabbering, blabbermouth, blabbing, broad hint, busybody, catchword, clack, clue, communication leak, cue, cue word, dead giveaway, delator, divulgation, divulgement, divulgence, divulging, evidence, evulgation, fink, gentle hint, gesture, giveaway, glimmer, glimmering, gossip, gossip columnist, gossiper, gossipmonger, hint, hot lead, implication, index, indication, indiscretion, informer, inkling, innuendo, insinuation, intimation, key, key word, kick, lead, leak, letting out, look, narc, newsmonger, newspaperman, nod, notion, nudge, obvious clue, peacher, prompt, quidnunc, reporter, rumormonger, scandalmonger, scent, sign, signal, snitch, snitcher, spoor, spy, squealer, stool pigeon, stoolie, suggestion, suspicion, symptom, tabby, talebearer, taleteller, tattler, tattletale, telltale sign, tip-off, tittle-tattler, trace, track, unwitting disclosure, vestige, whiff, whisper, whistle-blower, wind, wink, yenta