List of terminus synonyms and terminus related words.
L, Z, anchorage, apodosis, border line, bound, boundary, boundary condition, boundary line, bourn, branch, break boundary, breakoff point, cable railway, catastrophe, cease, ceasing, ceiling, cessation, circumscription, close, coda, cog railway, compass, completing, completion, conclusion, confine, consummation, crack of doom, culmination, curtain, curtains, cutoff, cutoff point, deadline, death, decease, delimitation, denouement, desistance, destination, destiny, determinant, division line, doom, effect, el, electric railway, elevated, elevated railway, embankment, end, end point, ending, envoi, epilogue, eschatology, expiration, extremity, fate, feeder, feeder line, final solution, final twitch, final words, finale, finality, finis, finish, finishing, floor, frontier, full development, goal, gravity-operated railway, harbor, haven, hedge, high-water mark, horse railway, interface, izzard, junction, last, last breath, last gasp, last stop, last things, last trumpet, last words, latter end, light railroad, limen, limit, limitation, limiting factor, line, line of demarcation, low-water mark, lower limit, main line, march, mark, maturation, maturity, mete, metro, monorail, omega, payoff, perfection, period, peroration, port, quietus, rack railway, rack-and-pinion railway, rail, rail line, railroad, railway, resolution, resting place, ripeness, roadbed, roadway, rounding off, rounding out, sidetrack, siding, start, starting line, starting point, stop, stoppage, stopping place, street railway, streetcar line, subway, swan song, switchback, target date, term, terminal, terminal date, terminal point, termination, threshold, time allotment, topping off, track, tram, tramline, trestle, trolley line, trunk, trunk line, tube, turnout, underground, upper limit, windup