List of thwart synonyms and thwart related words.
across, across the grain, annul, athwart, athwartships, baffle, balk, beat, bench, bendwise, bias, biased, biaswise, bilk, blast, block, brace, brave, bring to nothing, buffer, cancel, cancel out, cast down, catercorner, catercornered, challenge, check, checkmate, circumvent, come to nothing, confound, confront, contrariwise, contravene, contrawise, counter, counteract, counterbalance, countermand, counterwork, crisscross, cross, cross-grained, crossing, crossway, crossways, crosswise, curb, dash, defeat, defeat expectation, defy, destroy, diagonal, disappoint, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, dish, disillusion, disrupt, dissatisfy, elude, flummox, foil, foul up, frustrate, gum up, hinder, impede, invalidate, kittycorner, knock the chocks, let down, negate, negativate, negative, neutralize, nonplus, nullify, oblique, obliquely, obstruct, offset, oppose, overthwart, perplex, queer, restrain, ruin, sabotage, scotch, short-circuit, sideways, sidewise, slant, spike, spoil, stonewall, stop, stultify, stump, style, stymie, tantalize, tease, thwartly, thwartways, transversal, transverse, transversely, traverse, undo, upset, vitiate, void