List of toothed synonyms and toothed related words.
acanthoid, acanthous, acicular, acuate, aculeate, aculeiform, acuminate, acute, barbed, battlemented, bicuspid, chopped, clawed, cornuted, crenate, crenated, crenellated, crenulate, cusped, cuspidate, dental, dentate, dentated, dentiform, dentoid, digital, digitate, digitated, embrasured, erose, fanged, fingered, gashed, hispid, horned, horny, incised, indented, jagged, jaggy, jawed, lacerate, lacerated, molar, mucronate, needle-pointed, needle-sharp, nicked, notched, odontoid, pointed, prehensile, pronged, raptorial, saw-toothed, sawlike, scalloped, scored, serrate, serrated, serrulated, sharp-pointed, snaggle-toothed, snaggled, spiculate, spiked, spiky, spined, spinous, spiny, taloned, tapered, tapering, tined, toothlike, toothy, tusked, unbated