List of touch synonyms and touch related words.
ESP, Roman candle, ability, abut, access, adjoin, adroitness, affect, aid to navigation, alarm, alight, allegory, allude to, allusion, amber light, amount to, answer, answer to, appertain to, apply, apply to, apprehend, approach, arcane meaning, arouse, art, assumption, attouchement, background, background detail, balance, balefire, be aware of, be conscious of, be sensible of, beacon, beacon fire, beak, bear on, bear upon, beat the drum, beautify, beg, begin, bell, bell buoy, belong to, bit, blinker, blow, blue peter, border, borrow, break even, bring in, bring up, brush, brush by, bum, bunt, buoy, butt, cadge, cantando, capability, caress, carry, cast, cause, caution light, characteristic, chromesthesia, chuck, color hearing, coloration, coloring, come home to, come in contact, come near, come to, come together, come up to, commerce, communicate, communication, communion, compare with, concern, congress, connect, connection, connotation, consume, contact, contingence, conversation, converse, correspond, correspond to, correspondence, cover, dab, dash, deal with, dealing, dealings, decorative composition, decorative style, deftness, demilegato, design, detail, detonate, dexterity, dip, disturb, ditto, draw, drink, drop, eat, employ, enhance, equal, even, even off, examine, exchange, exchange colors, excite, execution, experience, expertise, expression, facility, feel, feel of, feeling, figure, fillip, finger, fingering, fire, five senses, flag, flag down, flair, flare, flash, flick, flip, flirt, float a loan, fog bell, fog signal, fog whistle, foghorn, foil, foment, fondle, foreground detail, form, genius, get, get a loan, get on credit, get to, gift, give a signal, give rise to, give the nod, glance, gleam, glissando, go deep, go light, go through one, gong buoy, graze, green light, grieve, hail, hail and speak, half-mast, hand, handle, hang, have connection with, hear, hearing, heliograph, high sign, hint, hit, hit one for, hit up, hoist a banner, idea, ignite, impassion, impinge, impingement, impingence, implication, implied meaning, import, impress, inference, influence, information, infusion, initiate, inkling, innuendo, inspect, inspire, instigate, interaction, interchange, intercommunication, intercommunion, intercourse, interest, interfere with, international alphabet flag, international numeral pennant, interplay, intimation, intonation, investigate, involve, ironic suggestion, join, jot, junction, keep pace with, kick, kiss, knack, knot, land, larceny, leer, legato, liaise with, lick, lift, light, line, linguistic intercourse, link with, look, make a sign, make use of, manner, march, marker beacon, match, match up with, meaning, measure up, measure up to, meddle with, meet, melt, melt the heart, mention, message, metaphorical sense, method, mezzo staccato, mooch, motif, move, movement, music-making, national style, negotiate a loan, neighbor, nod, nuance, nudge, occult meaning, odor, operation, ornamental motif, osculate, osculation, overtone, palm, palpate, palpation, panhandle, parachute flare, parallel, parlando, partake of, pass the hat, pat, patch up, pattern, paw, pawn, peck, penetrate, perceive, performance, period style, pertain to, phonism, photism, pianism, pick, pierce, pilot flag, pinch, pizzicato, ply, poke, poke at, police whistle, presumption, presupposition, probe, prod, provoke, purloining, put, put to use, quarantine flag, quicken, radio beacon, raise, raise a cry, raise money, rap, reach, receptor, red flag, red light, refer to, regard, relate to, rendering, rendition, renovate, repeated figure, repercussion, reply, respect, respond, respond to stimuli, response, responsiveness, retouch, rival, rocket, rub, rubato, run abreast, run into debt, run to, sadden, sailing aid, salute, sauce, scent, scintilla, scrape, scrounge, scrutinize, seasoning, see, semaphore, semaphore flag, semaphore telegraph, sense, sense organ, senses, sensillum, sensorium, sensory organ, set, set in motion, set off, setting, shade, shadow, shave, sideswipe, sight, sign, signal, signal beacon, signal bell, signal fire, signal flag, signal gong, signal gun, signal lamp, signal light, signal mast, signal post, signal rocket, signal shot, signal siren, signal tower, signalize, signature, sip, sixth sense, skill, skim, skirt, slur, smack, smart, smattering, smell, snap, social intercourse, soften, sound an alarm, sound the trumpet, soupcon, spar buoy, spark, speak, speaking, speck, speech, speech circuit, speech situation, spiccato, spice, spot, sprinkling, spruce up, squeak by, staccato, stack up with, start, steal, stealage, stealing, stimulate, sting, stir, stop light, streak, strike, stroke, style, subsense, subsidiary sense, suggestion, sup, supposition, suspicion, sway, symbolism, synesthesia, tactility, taction, taint, take, take advantage of, talent, talking, tangency, tap, taste, technique, telepathy, tempering, tentative contact, texture, the nod, the wink, theme, thievery, thieving, thought, thumb, tickle, tie, tie in with, tinct, tincture, tinge, tint, tip, titivate, touch a chord, touch down, touch off, touch on, touch up, touch upon, touching, toy with, trace, traffic, traffic light, traffic signal, treat of, trick, trigger, truck, twiddle, two-way communication, undercurrent, undermeaning, undertone, unfurl a flag, use, verge, verge on, vestige, watch fire, wave, wave a flag, wave the hand, way, whiff, whisk, white flag, wield, wigwag, wigwag flag, wink, yellow flag