List of tramp synonyms and tramp related words.
Arab, Bowery bum, airing, alien, amble, backpack, baggage, bat around, beach bum, beachcomber, beggar, beggarly fellow, blighter, bo, budmash, bum, bummer, cadger, caitiff, case, character, chug on, constitutional, count ties, crackpot, crank, defile, derelict, devil, divagate, dogie, down-and-out, down-and-outer, drift, drifter, drunkard, eccentric, fanatic, file, file off, flit, floater, footfall, footslog, footstep, forced march, gad, gad about, gallivant, gamin, gamine, go about, go on parade, go the rounds, good-for-naught, good-for-nothing, goose-step, guttersnipe, gypsy, hermit, hike, hit the road, hit the trail, hobo, homeless waif, human wreck, hussy, idler, jade, jaunt, jezebel, jog on, knock about, knock around, kook, landloper, lazzarone, loafer, lone wolf, loner, losel, lowlife, lumber, march, mauvais sujet, maverick, mean wretch, meander, mendicant, mendicant friar, mendicant order, meshuggenah, mooch, moocher, mucker, mudlark, mush, natural, no-good, nomadize, nonconformist, nut, odd fellow, oddball, oddity, original, outsider, panhandler, parade, pariah, pauvre diable, peg, peregrinate, pererrate, peripatetic journey, peripateticism, piker, pilgarlic, plod, plod along, plug, plug along, poor creature, poor devil, promenade, prowl, queer duck, queer fish, queer specimen, ragamuffin, ragman, ragpicker, ramble, range, rara avis, roam, rounder, rove, rover, rub on, run about, sad case, sad sack, saunter, schlep, schnorrer, screwball, scrounger, ski bum, skid-row bum, slattern, slog, slut, solitary, stamp, step, stiff, stodge, stomp, straggle, stray, street Arab, street arab, street urchin, stretch, stroll, strumpet, stump, sundowner, surf bum, swagman, swagsman, tatterdemalion, tennis bum, thud, traipse, tramper, trample, tread, trek, truant, trudge, turn, turnpiker, type, urchin, vag, vagabond, vagabondize, vagrant, vaurien, waif, waifs and strays, walk, walk the tracks, walkabout, walking tour, wander, wastrel, wayfare, worthless fellow, wretch, zealot